Tea lovers please take note. Martial arts lovers also please take note. And if you are a fan of both tea and martial arts, all the better and you have come to the right place. The Chinese restaurant, Sichuan Douhua on the 80th storey of the UOB Plaza is the place to go.
First of all, the view from the top is great. One can get an almost 360 degree view from up there. But that is just the side show.
Once you have finished drinking in the view, you must turn your full attention to the tea master who wields a copper tea pot with a spout which is about a metre long. He goes from table to table, filling up your tea cup with a flourish, aiming the spout with deadly accuracy against the inside of your cup, at an angle which causes the tea leaves inside the cup to swirl in a whirlpool. He also occasionally performs a show with his tea pot, almost like how a bartender tosses his cocktail shaker and alcohol bottle around, except more stylishly and with higher stakes seeing as the liquid content is scaldingly hot. The master flips his teapot across his shoulder, stretching the long, thin spout behind his back as though it were a pole or a spear. This display of martial arts is highly entertaining. Visiting this restaurant just for the kung fu tea is alone worth it.
And oh, the dim sum here is not bad either.