So if you are a newcomer to the little red dot, or a tourist, or even a local who hasn't really explored your own backyard, we aim to to pass on little gems of information.

For a start, there is a building I call "Gotham City". It is of course not its real name, in reality, it goes by Parkview Square and is along Beach Road opposite the Gateway buildings, a pair of diamond-shaped skyscrapers designed by the famous American architect, I.M. Pei who designed the Louvre glass pyramids in Paris. Gotham City has a slew of "fengshui" features in order to counteract the sharp edges of the Gateway buildings, which are believed to bring bad luck to his neighbours especially one which is directly opposite and hence absorbing most of its sharp edges cutting into the "qi" (life force) of the surrounds.
Gotham City is an OTT building with pomo (post-modernist) features, inside the lobby especially, you will be overwhelmed as you look above and around you. Check out the wine bar housed in the lobby, wine angels hooked up to wires, "fly" around to bring down bottles of wine as you order. Prices are steep but it's a nice ambience to have a conversation, admire the design features and have a drink or two.
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